Sarah Fagan, Ph.D.

Professor, German/Linguistics
DEO, Linguistics

Sarah Fagan’s research and teaching interests include Germanic linguistics, theoretical linguistics, and the German language.

Recent Courses

  • LING:1050 - Language and Formal Reasoning
  • LING:4020 - Morphology
  • LING:6040 - Linguistic Structures
  • GRMN:3845 - The Structure of German
  • GRMN:3855 - The Sounds of German
  • GRMN:3865 - History of the German Language

Book Publications

  • German Phonetics and Phonology: Theory and Practice. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2016, pp. xx, 416 (co-authored with Mary Grantham O’Brien, University of Calgary).
  • German: A Linguistic Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009, pp. xiv, 317.
  • Using German Vocabulary. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004, pp. viii, 588.
  • The Syntax and Semantics of Middle Constructions: A Study with Special Reference to German. (Cambridge Studies in Linguistics, 60.) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992, pp. x, 300.

Professional Affiliations

Sarah Fagan
Contact Information

526 Phillips Hall (PH)
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States